Strictly speaking,different castingmanufacturing costs ateachstepisnot exactly the same,but somepart ofthe difference is very smallcan beaccounted for according tothe average level,we should pay attention toisthat factorsofthe casting costrelatively large impact.Themainfactors caused thecastingprocess costdifferencesare as follows:
(1).The process yield
The process yieldis also calledyield,isthe casting weightthepercentage ofweightofconcretepouring,castingprocess yieldis equal tothe same treecast totalweightpercentage oftreeweight,it is related with thecasting structureandgrouptree scheme,may varyin the range of 30% to60%,generallybetween 40-50%.The relationship betweenanteriorcost andprocess yieldto
Casting a cost per kg =
Every kilograms ofweightbeforecastingcostprocess yield
Somecost andprocessper kilogram ofproduct rate of castingsis inversely proportional to,the process yieldis lowunit weight ofcastingacostis higher,andthe process yieldislow impactis moresignificant.Acostper kilogram ofmolten steelcastingfor 6 yuan,whenthe process yieldis 45%,every kilograms ofcastingacost of 13.33 yuan;the process yieldis 30%castingacost of 20 yuan/ kg,higher than the average level of6.7 yuan,make the processcosts increased by 37.6%,the influencing extentthe total cost of 304stainless steelthe castingis about 17%;whenthe process yieldis 60%castingacost of 10 yuan/ kg,lower than the average level of3.3 yuan,theprocesscost is reduced by 18.5%,304stainless steel castingswere equivalent to thetotal costof about 7%;
The castingcostoffront endprocess yieldderivativecan be drawn: theinfluence degreeand processthe process yieldofper kilogram ofcastingacost ofproduction rateis inversely proportional to the square,whenthe process yieldis 45%,by onepercentage pointper kilogram ofcastingacostincrease of 0.3 yuan,whenthe process yieldto30%,each cutone percentage pointper kgcastingcostincrease of approximately 0.67yuana
Thusthe process yieldon the costimpact is verysignificant.Likepowerelectrical engineeringon the factors,reducethe process yieldis equivalent to an increase ofno powerconsumption.Of course,the process yieldis notthe higher the better,and I don't want togethighhigh,highprocess yieldwill decrease theability of feedingof gating system,causefeedingproblemsshrinkageandshrinkage defects;on the other hand,somecastingBo Bizhu in particularpieceof irregular shapedue to limitation ofcasting processthe structure and thegrouptree schemeis difficult to improve theyield ofcasting,in the approvedpriceshould considerthis important factor.